What can Elias Presence Ventures do for your Team…
Whether by Impostor Syndrome, cultural teachings, or being the first/only in the room – many of us carry the pressure of being an outsider. Let’s talk about the blockers and unpack your team's tools for success.
Are your managers cultivating talent to grow up with your organization, or to move away? Let’s equip your managers with the tools to execute their responsibility as protectors of the future.
Public Speaking for corporate professionals from an actor’s perspective, with a focus on: preparation, voice, body language, and the Costume of Confidence. Let's upgrade your team's communication skills.

Retreat, Offsite, Workshop, Keynote, Panel, 1:1 Coaching – we will find your success path!
Career Advisory

📍 Where are you now?
🎯 Where do you aspire to be?
🚀 Explore your destination goals!
🛑 Identify and overcome roadblocks.
👥 Connect with allies and sponsors.
🤝 Ensure your management is aligned.
🚀 Empower Yourself:
Take control of your career!
Equip yourself with the right tools.
Ready for the next step?
Let's embark upon your career transformation!

And Introducing: YOU
Public Speaking training from an actor’s perspective
Ineffective public speaking skills impact meetings, training sessions, sales, networking, mentoring, opportunities to influence, morale, etc.
And Introducing: YOU is an intensive 3-hr workshop that calls upon my decades of experience as a professional actress. I have run the workshop over 80 times in the past 13 years to a total population over over 4500 people. And while I developed the program for a research team of extreme introverts, the target audience has expanded to include interns, new hires, emerging leaders, salespeople, executives, everyone!
Receive personalized coaching, actionable strategies, and the essential “Costume of Confidence” to conquer public speaking fears and speak with authority.
Let's get you ready for your spotlight!
About Naeemah Elias
Chameleon & Changemaker
I started my career as a professional actress. When I coach my clients about the value of a winding road, I'm speaking from a lifetime of experience!! I worked my way out of poverty south of Chicago and earned a psychology degree from Harvard. After an acting tour as a puppeteer, and few years on Boston stages - I moved on to my next career: Motherhood. I quickly became a Single-Mom with 3 kids under 8, and I got serious about building my career! I mastered the art of mobility. I spent years learning and teaching, so those around me could gain the benefit of my experience. I took on big, complex problems, and surrounded myself with young talent. I designed development programs, created training modules, and fought against inequity - while I stood up corporate processes and made the world around me more efficient.
With Elias Presence Ventures, I've expanded my reach so I can make a bigger difference on a bigger stage. I want to tackle inequity through the lens of communication on every possible pathway: corporations, non-profits, community centers, governments, schools, etc... I am so excited for this adventure, and all of the friends who have committed to navigating this path with me.
Let's develop the FUTURE together!

Working With the Best Clients and Partners